Repository of the Ukrainian
National Tchaikovsky Academy
of Music

Performing features of chamber vocal works of Ukrainian composers

Show simple item record Putiatytska, Olha Kopytsia, Marianna Davydova, Oksana Taranchenko, Olena Stankovych-Spolska, Rada Путятицька, Ольга Копиця, Маріанна Давидова, Оксана Таранченко, Олена Станкович-Спольська, Рада 2025-01-28T20:21:40Z 2025-01-28T20:21:40Z 2024-11-18
dc.identifier.citation Putiatytska, O., Kopytsia, M., Davydova, O., Taranchenko, O., et al. (2024). PERFORMING FEATURES OF CHAMBER VOCAL WORKS OF UKRAINIAN COMPOSERS. Yegah Müzikoloji Dergisi, 7(4), 724-744. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract This study considered performing features of chamber vocal works of Ukrainian composers. The relevance of the study is conditioned by the fact that the issue of research in the music industry is determined by the cultural and social transformations that have taken place in the world and in Ukraine over the past decades. The purpose of this study is to understand the specifics of chamber vocal music by Ukrainian composers and identify the features of the process of mastering this genre of vocal music. The following methods were applied to achieve the research objective: analysis of scientific sources, logical and comparative analysis, descriptive and structural methods, scientific objectivity, and systematisation. The paper identifies and describes the main genre features of chamber vocal works of Ukrainian composers, which are mandatory for creating a performing interpretation. The methods of Ukrainian and foreign teachers in musicology, their systematic positions of understanding the specifics of chamber vocal works, and awareness of the tasks of performing musical works facing song performers are considered. The importance of a systematic approach in the practice of vocalists studying the features of chamber vocal works is emphasised. The analysis of studies allowed characterising possible methods of working on chamber vocal works of Ukrainian composers. The practical significance is conditioned by the possibility of applying the results in preparation for teaching the course of the history of Ukrainian musicology, cultural studies, and the history of vocal art in educational institutions. The scientific information contained in the paper can be used in writing methodological works, textbooks on Ukrainian musicology, and for the study of future research papers. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Yegah Müzikoloji Dergisi uk_UA
dc.subject Music uk_UA
dc.subject Musicology uk_UA
dc.subject Culture uk_UA
dc.subject Features of performance uk_UA
dc.subject Vocal art uk_UA
dc.title Performing features of chamber vocal works of Ukrainian composers uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA
dc.identifier.doi 10.51576/ymd.1561524

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